Schools, The Next Great Mission Field Rob Hoskins November 17, 2021

Schools, The Next Great Mission Field

I’ve seen the world – traveling to over one hundred nations through my work as the President of OneHope – and I’m convinced of one thing: children and youth in South Florida need God’s Word just as much as children and youth in the most desolate areas around the world. While the cultures and contexts I’ve seen over the years are vastly different, the primary need is the same: the next generation needs to experience the Gospel in a personal way and be discipled by their community as they continue to grow.

A few years ago, our team saw a need and felt a calling to reach middle school students in our own backyard in Pompano Beach in a new way: by creating a private Christian middle school designed to be easily accessible for low-income families from the neighborhoods surrounding our offices.

You may be wondering, “Why is an organization with a global emphasis on taking God’s Word to Every Child starting schools in South Florida?” The answer: we believe that schools are the next great mission field. All children deserve a place of learning where they can grow and thrive. The community we serve through Purpose Academy consists of students mostly from broken families with single parent households, living in poverty. Like trees planted in rocky soil, these children often struggle to feel grounded, or are in the shadows of circumstances beyond their control including fatherlessness and economically disadvantaged households. No matter how many millions of children and youth OneHope reaches around the world every year, we wouldn’t be truly fulfilling our mission if we were ignoring children in desperate need of hope in our own backyard.

In 2018, Purpose Academy began with its first class of 6th graders and a mission of “Equipping sons and daughters to learn, grow, and step into their destinies in Christ”. Today, ninety-nine 6th-8th grade students are receiving a quality Christian education in classrooms located within our OneHope office building in Pompano Beach. We are working to ensure that Purpose Academy students’ whole beings are nurtured; everything from academic achievement to character formation, specialized activities to after-care needs, even standing in the gaps missing from their home lives and encouraging them to get involved in local churches.

In addition to standard core courses, Purpose Academy students are immersed in Bible, character development, and leadership classes. They are being equipped with practical life tools, such as job skills and interview practice, and are given individualized mentorship time as needed. Students also attend weekly chapel services with guest speakers from OneHope and local churches in the community. Purpose Academy is transforming the lives of these students academically, spiritually, and socially. More than that – these students are influencing their families, and the community, simply by being given new opportunities to succeed. The testimonies of life change we have seen in just a few short years have been unbelievable. As the first class at Purpose Academy went from 6th to 8th grade there was a 30% increase of students reading at grade level. Additionally, during the lockdowns of the 2020-21 school year, Purpose Academy students achieved 162% of annual typical growth in Reading. 

5 Goals for Every Student
When a student begins at Purpose Academy, we are thinking toward the future. Our focus is on developing students to:

Seeing the potential for education as a mission happens when we see schools as more than simply a junction of learning. As Nelson Mandela powerfully said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” I encourage you to join me in viewing schools as the next great mission field. Done well, they become centers to equip young people with viable skills that will allow them to support their families while also accomplishing the work of the Kingdom.

We haven’t embarked on this education journey alone. Our team has been overwhelmed by support from many local South Florida church partners and individuals who are passionate about serving our students. If you are interested in learning more about Purpose Academy and how you can get involved, please visit or contact

  • Reply
    November 20, 2021, 4:15 am

    Hai sir Rob Hoskins, blessed are you Who are restless when you realize there’s are people of God Who are disadvantaged in life unless you do something for their support!

  • Reply
    November 20, 2021, 6:56 am

    To God be the glory! It’s breathe taking to see OneHope fulfilling Act 1:8 and toiling the mission field of “our Jerusalem”. Pompano Beach. Children’s lives are being transformed daily as they are being equipped to impact nations.

    Thank you for such an impactful article Dr Rob

  • Reply
    November 21, 2021, 9:59 am

    Wonderful Mr President Rob Hoskins’ He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay him back what he has given (proverbs 19:17). Sir just imagine a poor man or a woman taking a loan from any Bank, the main condition accepted and signed is the interest percentage rate of payments.Therefore I am glad to tell you rejoice and again I say rejoice because the payments of the Almighty God to you are incomparable with any earthly bank or Tycoon.

  • Reply
    November 24, 2021, 4:04 pm

    Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts on this topic, Sir. Your good intentions will certainly be blessed by the Lord.
    I believe there is so much to share on this topic. One main thing I believe we should aim at is to endeavor to bring students to a place where they will see the Bible as God’s Word that has the final say, answer, or authority on all life’s bothering questions.
    In other words, we should be able to persuade students to have absolute trust in the Bible to provide answers to life’s problems, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I believe this will be a great achievement because they would willingly turn to the Bible for solutions even when they are out of school.
    Another issue I believe the Lord has laid on my heart as regards Schools being the next great mission field is that we Christians ought to cry unto the Lord that His Word will have Free Course in the Schools. This point is a big issue in America, but, it’s a possibility. I believe Christians ought to cry unto the Lord for restoration of the Word of God in the Schools.
    The devil cones to steal, kill, and destroy but thank God we have Jesus Christ who gives abundant Life. Glory be to God!! This could be a test of our faith in Jesus Christ.
    Thanks so much and God bless you richly, Sir. Shalom ❣️!!

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