June 7, 2023 8 Ways to Remain Faithful to Your Calling | Part 2As I go into my 80th year of ministry, I’ve written the eight principles that have guided me...
April 19, 2023 3 Ways to Be a Vision-Driven LeaderOneHope was birthed out of a vision God gave my dad, one in which he saw the children...
October 27, 2014 The future of fundraising: a lesson from KickstarterA co-worker asked me to explain the secret behind the success of Kickstarter using only two words. I came up...
September 22, 2014 Through LeadersThis summer we convened more than 180 leaders from 46 countries around the world for a week of...
May 29, 2014 Dare to dream big for Global Church expansionGod’s Word. Every Child. Four small words made up of less than twenty letters, yet one behemoth undertaking....
May 27, 2014 Which should you spend more on—ministry design or website design?There’s no question that the world around us is changing at breakneck speeds. Even as I type this...
February 17, 2014 Legacy: celebrating my dad’s 70th year of ministryAs a seven-year-old boy, my dad—Bob Hoskins—received a vision from the Lord, and preached his first sermon just...
January 6, 2014 Why is it so hip for a kid to be an atheist?The most recent Pew Research data clearly shows the number of religiously unaffiliated Americans—referred to as “nones” since they claim no religion—is...
December 19, 2013 Family, spiritual heritage, and casting visionMy dad—Bob—mom—Hazel—and my daughter, Diandra, recently traveled together to Kenya and Tanzania to preach and minister. The last...
October 2, 2013 Live Dangerously (part 2)Read Live Dangerously, part 1 After Peter’s “The end is near...” proclamation, he doesn’t leave us hanging and hopeless....