August 22, 2016 Does God speak to Children?I heard the most awesome story recently. You can read it in detail here from my friends Peter...
July 4, 2016 6 Ways Leaders Can Remain RelevantIn a recent podcast, virtual mentor Michael Hyatt revealed that as he became increasingly successful, he discovered more...
November 8, 2015 3 steps to long-term help for low-resource communities[Tweet "Why dig a well when it would be most helpful to have running water instead?"] If you...
November 2, 2015 Sound bite missiology“Men at ease have contempt for those who are suffering misfortune” Job 12:5 American evangelicals are quick to...
June 5, 2014 3 simple steps to go from “knowing” to “doing”So often in ministry there is a gap between knowing and doing. We might know there are children...