Kindrid: generosity via text Rob Hoskins October 24, 2013

Kindrid: generosity via text

Men hands holding phone with isolated screen and credit card

As Millennials and successive generations grow up using technology, it comes as no surprise that they are more comfortable with and actually prefer online giving. Not only do they want giving websites and platforms to look sleek and up-to-date, more importantly they want them to be quick and easy to use.

Barna Group studied how technology is affecting Millennials and their faith, and revealed that,

“Another way to spark Millennial giving is to reach them where they are, which in many cases, is on their mobile phones. Nearly one out of every 10 of all Millennials say they text to donate at least once a month, which doubles among practicing Christian Millennials to two out of 10.”

Knowing this, the OneHope Innovation team recently developed a mobile giving solution, called Kindrid, to make giving a hassle-free experience for both the giver and the benefitting organization.

The goal of Kindrid is to increase generosity by making giving simple and enjoyable, especially for people who don’t carry cash or checkbooks. Some churches have found that 20-30% of the people who give via Kindrid are people who had never given to the church before! 

It takes about 5 minutes to set up an account using a fully automated, secure online process. Once set up, the Kindrid team will create customized slides, printouts, and other materials to help introduce mobile giving to the contributing audience.

Givers simply send a text message with the amount of their gift to their church or organization’s dedicated giving phone number. The initial text will receive an immediate response with a link to a form connecting a credit or debit card to their smartphone. Givers need only fill it out once, and from then on will be able to text the amount of their gift anytime, anyplace!

Here is what some Kindrid users are saying:

“Every Lead Pastor needs to take Kindred seriously. Our offering totals have seen a double digit increase since we implemented Kindred. This too connects with the heart of the next generation and provides a way for immediate engagement. Kindrid has recaptured the joy of giving and provided a way for all our people to give at the same time during the service.” Mike Rakes, Winston Salem First Church

“I’ve searched far and wide for a way to incorporate text-to-give into our church family, and this is by far the simplest, most effective way that I have found. Thanks for your efforts!” David Docusen, Center City Church

“The guys and start up process at Kindrid have been as customer focused as we could possibly ask for. It actually felt like we didn’t have to do anything to get it up and running.  That’s how smooth and concentrated our friends at Kindrid are. It was a great experience.” Jack Thomas, LifeStone Church

Exciting announcement: has come alongside OneHope as a founding partner of the all new Kindrid! Both of these organizations care deeply about equipping the local church, so the partnership just made sense for multiplying Kindrid’s capacity for kingdom impact.


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