Do and Don’t Rob Hoskins September 15, 2020

Do and Don’t

Do and Don’t

“A 2019 report from Mind Share Partners found that 80% of workers with a mental health condition said that ‘shame and stigma prevent them from seeking treatment’ — and that just 37% see their company’s leaders as ‘advocates for mental health at work.'”1

This quote in a Forbes article shook me into thinking deeply about my role as a leader and the critical importance of top-down advocacy for mental health.

The Do

It’s up to us to reverse these numbers by being leaders who fearlessly speak up about the importance of mental health.

The Don’t

We can’t make executive decisions, create company policy or whisper about mental health issues behind closed doors. 


1 Comment
  • Reply
    September 16, 2020, 5:12 am

    Thank you Rob for that post. I am in Zimbabwe and I see the number of suicides increasing maybe due to the economic and social pressures. I pray that church leaders revisit the doctrine that talks of suicide as murder of self and hence labelled as sin. I pray that churches will be places of refuge. That leaders will care for mental health of people in our communities, within the church and beyond.

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