Collaboration isn’t a new idea. You see it everywhere:
Spotify + Starbucks
Apple + Hermes
The Global Fund + Gap: “PRODUCT (RED)”
GoPro + Red Bull: “Stratos”
At OneHope, we recognize the value of collaboration. We’ve seen success in our partnership with Evangelism Explosion to produce a program that has trained millions of children around the world to share their faith with millions more. OneHope’s collaboration with YouVersion produced the Bible App For Kids, which has become the #1 kids Bible app in the world. Lead Today, produced through our partnership with John Maxwell, is being integrated in high schools around the world to teach biblical principles of leadership.
[Tweet “Powerhouse organizations are starting to realize that it’s collaborate or die.”]
Increasingly as we’re seeing ministries work to overcome these barriers, many end up self-reflecting and returning to their original vision. This return to original vision kicks the door wide open for collaboration and understanding that we are better together than we are alone. Ministries driven by original vision and led by transformational leaders find each other and collaborate for maximum Kingdom impact. I believe this honors Christ and his call for us to work together in unity.
[Tweet “We are better together than we are alone.”]
[Tweet “Vision + transformational leaders x collaboration = maximum Kingdom impact.”]
Without collaboration in unity, we won’t see the world transform. It’s our passion for a shared outcome that drives us to work together.
My friend John Maxwell is a great example of a transformational leader who has exponentially multiplied influence by partnering with others. He recently shared a valuable lesson on collaboration with up-and-coming Millennial leaders. Over the years, he has learned that it might take him months or years to craft and refine a concept. However, recently, he’s discovered that in sharing a raw, unfinished thought, it sometimes only takes one conversation with someone else to move the idea from good to great. He’s seen the power of collaboration and is one of the most agile, transformational leaders I know—inspiring us all to share and collaborate sooner!
Ask yourself: What is my driving passion? Who else has the same desire to see transformation in this area? How can I take the first step to partnering with them?