June 5, 2016 Drucker for Young InfluencersMillennials now make up the largest portion of the American workforce. (Chart: Pew Research Center)[1] And it’s worth...
May 30, 2016 There is life after griefWe recently lost an amazing man. Jim Byh was a missionary, father, and friend of an otherworldly caliber....
April 18, 2016 Listen to the Mustn’ts if you want to hear the miraclesWe believe. That God’s Word IS enough. So we plan to reach every child on the planet with...
April 10, 2016 4 Drucker Principles for Organizations in 2016Every organization desires to be healthy and effective. But this is not easy to do in an emergent...
April 3, 2016 The New Cuban CrisisI happened to be in Cuba at the same time as President Obama a few weeks ago and the Rolling Stones showed...
March 26, 2016 On EasterIn anticipation of Easter, I value the practice of Lent. I admit it’s very challenging for me as...
March 14, 2016 6 Drucker Principles for Leaders in 2016Everyone wants to be a better leader. Despite how fast the world is changing, there is timeless wisdom...
March 7, 2016 Sahel: Planting Seeds in the DesertThe Sahel region of Africa is a more than just a hotbed of conflict that frequently makes headlines....
February 28, 2016 Struck by lightningupdated 2.28.16 This is classically the busiest season of my year; board meetings, budget process, conventions and speaking...
February 21, 2016 Living a Gutenberg MomentWe are living in exciting times. The Word of God is going forth like never before! I feel...
January 24, 2016 Why GhanaThere’s an impending leadership crisis unless the Global Church figures out how to better engage youth in a...
January 21, 2016 Bible App for Kids hits 10 MILLION!Number of Roku players sold in the U.S. Number of paying Spotify subscribers worldwide Approximate cost in U.S....
December 25, 2015 It’s been a year …At our staff day of prayer, I was reminded that I am so deeply grateful for God’s overwhelming...
December 20, 2015 A Christmas Post: Mary’s MessageI love thinking about the Christmas story from Mary’s vantage point. Everyone remembers being a teenager…you’re figuring out...
December 6, 2015 Declaration of InterdependenceThe word “dependence” has devolved to hold a negative connotation in America. Adding to this notion is that...
November 30, 2015 Light up the SahelHeadlines are being monopolized by stories of extremist violence. We are still reeling with shock from the recent...
November 23, 2015 Digital boosts spread of the BibleTechnology is a game changer. It has enabled many to make Scripture available in digital formats or extend...
November 2, 2015 Sound bite missiology“Men at ease have contempt for those who are suffering misfortune” Job 12:5 American evangelicals are quick to...
October 20, 2015 Not Just Another Storybook BibleThe Bible App for Kids Storybook Bible released last week, climbing to #11 on the overall best sellers book...
October 16, 2015 Feeding by farmingDid you know that World Food Day has been celebrated globally for 36 years? Hunger is still a...
October 11, 2015 The Sad Truth About Fatherless YouthI spent a chunk of my childhood in the Middle East surrounded by gunfire from civil war. That...
October 5, 2015 Raise Kids that Stand Strong Against Negative InfluencesMy baby girl got married recently. As I lay awake many nights prior to the ceremony contemplating my...
September 28, 2015 Getting people to the “next level”Read part 1 Is Salvational Transactional? Read part 2 Unpacking the Story No one is born with a...
September 21, 2015 Nicodemus : Unpacking the StoryRead part 1 Is Salvational Transactional? I’ve been scrutinizing my epistemology through the lens of Nicodemus and his...
September 14, 2015 Nicodemus: Is Salvation transactional?John 3 is a very familiar passage, but recently it got me thinking about salvation through the character...
September 7, 2015 conclusion: be effectivePrevious: Connection in ministry In order to prevent losing an entire generation, the Church needs to assert itself...
August 31, 2015 con· nec· tionPrevious post What we discovered placed us at an operational crossroads. We had to decide whether to simply...
August 17, 2015 Family and dis·con·nec·tionIn her book Almost Christian, Kenda Creasy Dean reveals that American youth are ‘almost Christian – but perhaps not...
August 10, 2015 Youth and dis·en·gage·mentThe reality of whether young people are leaving the Church in droves, slow drifting away from deep faith...
July 19, 2015 Sound bite missiology: Nairobi—the NYC of AfricaWhen we operate under old assumptions—especially as they relate to the developing world—we miss the most effective opportunity...
July 13, 2015 Why Next Gen?I just turned 50. But I don’t feel it. I think it’s because I regularly and intentionally hang...
July 1, 2015 Child sex abuse in the CARI have a 5-year ache in my heart for the Central African Republic (CAR). And it only grew...
June 29, 2015 Tribute: Spring in the Children’s HeartsMy dad received this beautiful revelatory tribute after the passing of my mom, Hazel Hoskins. This prophetic dream was...
June 22, 2015 The Christian response: mercy and truthI was sitting at Mom’s bedside in the hospital as the news of Tullian Tchividjian’s resignation began to...
June 16, 2015 Education is missionAs churches look to the changing landscape of the future, explosion of choice is clouding a clear sightline....
May 7, 2015 Mental illness to surpass healthcare costsI love thumbing through Tweets, skimming research, statistics and findings. But some, like this one, shock and disturb...
April 26, 2015 The Power of WordsHow much of your day is influenced by words? Maybe your day, like mine, progresses something like this:...
April 19, 2015 Persecution on the RiseMy news feed has never been more gruesome, laden with stories of Christians being abused or killed. According...
April 8, 2015 Into RussiaRecent news reports on Russia remind me of days of the Cold War and Soviet domination. People...
March 8, 2015 Leadership: how to win with a transition plan“A transition will be one of the greatest tests of your leadership, but it will also serve as...
February 1, 2015 #RuralMatters church planting initiativeWe’re all familiar with Aesop’s fable “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”, which Beatrix Potters later adapted...
January 26, 2015 Biblical rules of (audience) engagementI’ve been actively engaging people in missions since boyhood. As a youngster, my parents dressed my brother and me...
January 12, 2015 Millennials speak for themselves: on faithMillennials, part 1 Millennials on the Bible and Miracles Let’s face it, sometimes Millennials get a bad rap....
January 8, 2015 What Millennials really think about the Bibleback to Millennials, part 1 Barna recently released their fascinating insights from one of the largest studies they...
January 5, 2015 Millennials and the churchGoogle “millennials” and more than 9 million results immediately appear. They’re a hot topic, being scrutinized from every angle....
December 26, 2014 2014 Retrospective: looking back and summing upLast year I did a top 10 list of the most popular posts on my blog. But 2014 has...
November 25, 2014 Ferguson on FireI'm reluctant to speak to an issue as raw and sensitive as the events that have unfolded in...
October 30, 2014 Ebola: the Disease of IsolationThe first reports of the Ebola virus in West Africa broke in March of this year.[1] Rumors and...
October 23, 2014 Hope Delivered: Blanca’s StoryBecause we do follow-up research after launching a program or distributing a product, we gather not only statistics,...
October 20, 2014 Oh, Canada! Recent study reveals “alarming” statistics about Canadian Bible engagementA recent study revealed alarmingly apathetic Bible reading trends among Canadians. The findings hit social media with a...