Afghanistan, a month later Rob Hoskins October 12, 2021

Afghanistan, a month later

A few weeks ago, the news about the Taliban overtaking Afghanistan was prevalent in the U.S. as news outlets offered a play-by-play of the crumbling situation. Now, Afghanistan related stories are few and far between, primarily about the relocation of refugees in various cities across the country.

Although the news cycle has largely moved on to other topics, that doesn’t change the new reality of the Afghan people who have been impacted by the recent events, and it doesn’t change the call of the Church to come alongside those in need through every season.

An effective crisis response moves through a series of phases, from emergency response to recovery work, and then integration. While Afghan families in harm’s way may be now physically removed from the situation after being evacuated, the journey has just begun as they overcome unseen barriers, like emotional trauma. 

At OneHope, we’re taking action. Others have finished their emergency response work and have stepped away. It’s now our turn to make a difference. We coordinate with ministries that are directly ministering to those displaced by the crisis. We’re resourcing and equipping the Church with relevant Scripture materials for children that can help them find hope through the story of Jesus amid their challenging circumstances. Please continue to pray for the Afghan people, both living in the country and abroad. 

OneHope is active in more than 100 countries, and the ability to share the Good News with young people is what propels us forward in all of the nations. Several other countries in the world have ongoing conflict within their borders and receive essentially zero U.S. news coverage, but we’re there, standing by the Church. OneHope helps the Church grow and flourish as children are reached with the Good News. We’re on a journey to see the next generation experience the Gospel, and we will walk with the Church every step of the way. 

1 Comment
  • Reply
    October 15, 2021, 10:23 am

    Years ago when “the refuse of Cuba” came to Florida’s shores, the ministry I was in sent Spanish speaking volunteers to work in the processing camp. They helped in many ways with the primary goal of leading the Cubans to the Lord. Lately I’ve wondered what the saved ones are doing today.

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