Three Keys to Humility Rob Hoskins July 20, 2021

Three Keys to Humility

Three Keys to Humility

I love the leadership perspective of Paul in Ephesians 5:21. “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (NIV)

My dad began OneHope in 1987, and we went through a leadership transition when I became president nearly two decades later. He serves OneHope differently now than when he did for the first 15+ years. Since I became President in 2004, he has submitted himself to my authority. Now, he serves me and the other leaders at OneHope, as an advisor, mentor, confidant and prophetic voice. I actually welcome and look forward to the day when I will transition into a similar role and serve our next leader. Unfortunately, we don’t often see this type of humility and leadership transition demonstrated very well in the Church, or in business. Typically, when someone transitions out of a role, they move on and don’t look back. 

Changing leadership roles, responsibility, and authority can be tricky, but it is possible. It has to be done very intentionally and transparently, with great humility. Humility is a value that will serve you well in life, and you must have it to maintain friendships and mentoring relationships with the individuals that you lead. What does humility look like lived out? 

  1. Being self-aware (able to understand who you are and what your strengths are) 

  2. Being able to submit yourself to others (in your existing leadership role and future leadership roles) 

  3. Being able to do what is best for the whole group or organization, not you as an individual

Where have you seen humility modeled well? 

1 Comment
  • Reply
    July 26, 2021, 11:42 am

    I believe humility begins with the awareness that everything I have, including every ability, is a gift from God. I fully depend on him for everything.

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