The Strategic Leader Rob Hoskins November 10, 2021

The Strategic Leader

We’ve been exploring the traits and roles that make up the Leadership Trifecta. Check out the posts on Activating and Catalytic Leaders, if you haven’t already. The Strategic Leader is the final missing puzzle piece, the one who envisions what the future looks like. 

This is the role that I most identify with, as I thrive on taking a 30,000-foot view of the organization, to look beyond our present. I spend much of my time thinking through what’s ahead, and how we can grow to get there. It energizes me to think about the emerging opportunities and the direction we’re headed. As a Strategic Leader, I don’t want to be a micro-manager. I want to be macro-engaged. 

I’ve been comparing the three different roles to parts of a body that all work together. Catalytic = heart. Activating = hands. Strategic = head. None of these are more important than the other, as each plays a specific and pivotal role. Recognizing where you are most gifted in these three areas can help you prioritize what to say ‘yes’ to and what you decline. 

The world has changed and living in a knowledge economy has to change the way we operate within teams. We need to empower people to make decisions and operate in their giftings, and it begins by understanding the underlying strength within yourself and your team.

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