May 11, 2022 How Did COVID Affect Education?As the lockdowns of 2020 were entering the second month, I found myself being asked what I believed...
September 22, 2016 The Changing Landscape of Youth MinistryThe increasingly complex intricacies of doing ministry in a post-modern, post-Christian reality have completely changed the context in...
August 27, 2016 Leader Chat : Greg Surratt | Part 1Loved getting in front of a camera with Pastor Greg Surratt of Seacoast Church, who is also the...
August 22, 2016 Does God speak to Children?I heard the most awesome story recently. You can read it in detail here from my friends Peter...
June 19, 2016 What we CAN do for Modern-Day RefugeesThe daily news cycle drives us face to face with the plight of millions of refugees seeking to...
December 25, 2015 It’s been a year …At our staff day of prayer, I was reminded that I am so deeply grateful for God’s overwhelming...
August 31, 2015 con· nec· tionPrevious post What we discovered placed us at an operational crossroads. We had to decide whether to simply...
January 12, 2015 Millennials speak for themselves: on faithMillennials, part 1 Millennials on the Bible and Miracles Let’s face it, sometimes Millennials get a bad rap....
January 8, 2015 What Millennials really think about the Bibleback to Millennials, part 1 Barna recently released their fascinating insights from one of the largest studies they...
January 5, 2015 Millennials and the churchGoogle “millennials” and more than 9 million results immediately appear. They’re a hot topic, being scrutinized from every angle....
August 14, 2014 3 steps to build a strong missions programYou’ve done the hard work of getting down on paper your Purpose and asset mapped and begun to...
August 7, 2014 Outcome Based Ministry OriginsA few years ago, while on a trip to Swaziland, I was struck by what I heard and...
May 22, 2014 Optimism: bringing HOPE for the futureIf you’ve listened to pop radio recently, I hope you've heard the hit song “Pompeii” by Bastille. The band,...
April 17, 2014 The Bible: gaining popularity or losing ground?As a ministry whose heartbeat is to share GOD’S WORD with every child, we sit up and take...
February 17, 2014 Legacy: celebrating my dad’s 70th year of ministryAs a seven-year-old boy, my dad—Bob Hoskins—received a vision from the Lord, and preached his first sermon just...
February 12, 2014 The power of peer evangelism for kidsResearch[1] credits “word of mouth” as being capable of generating double the sales of paid advertising. Virgin Mobile—a...
February 3, 2014 Sexless Japan: an unnatural patternIn Japan, Europe and the U.S., statistics are showing that people are marrying later in life or not...
January 30, 2014 Spiritually vibrant teens more likely to “stand strong” against negative influencesOften in the non-profit ministry world, we are challenged on how we approach life transformation. Skeptics question whether...
January 23, 2014 “Who likes Sunday School?”My dad stood in front of a group of believers and fired; “raise your hand if you like...
January 20, 2014 Are You Driven or Led?“A market-driven organization is driven by what the market wants, regardless of what the marketing department feels like...
December 31, 2013 My 2013 top 10 listWow—I can hardly believe it’s about to be 2014! We have a lot of exciting things on the...
September 26, 2013 Print or Digital? Pew Study offers surprising insightI traveled over 125 days last year, so being able to carry a library’s worth of books in a...
August 26, 2013 6 Steps to prevent the next generation from spiritual extinctionDid you know that Swaziland is predicted to be the first nation to become extinct because of HIV/AIDS?...
August 8, 2013 Don’t break the mirror“We need to understand that for every statistic, there is a young person who has a face, who...
July 25, 2013 Spiritually Homeless YouthIn his book You Lost Me, David Kinnaman—president of the Barna Group—divides once church-going Millennials into three types...
July 11, 2013 Macro Trend: Shedding light on the 4-14 windowIt's becoming "normal" to see young children easily navigating high-tech, high-priced pieces of technology. In Africa, I saw more children...
July 6, 2013 Egyptian Uprising Offers New Day for ChurchThe Arab Spring quickly became the winter of discontent for most of the Middle East as Arab strongmen...