Deaf Schools in Developing Countries

Kennedy* enters the classroom and takes a seat in the usual place. He’s not in a hurry, because he doesn’t look forward to his religious education class. Some things are written on the board, but Kennedy only recognizes the word “son.” The teacher begins to lecture, speaking to the class and writing more things on […]

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Why Next Gen?

I just turned 50. But I don’t feel it. I think it’s because I regularly and intentionally hang out with 20-year-olds. Here’s why: if you love culture, then you love 20-year-olds. They have more wisdom than teenagers and are inherently in tune with the culture. Not only is it energizing to be around twenty-somethings, it’s […]

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5 secrets to build a GREAT Missions Strategy

I speak with a first-time lead pastor almost every week. And one question that consistently comes up in those conversations is this: How do I develop an engaging missions program at the church? Many people who come into their new role as a lead pastor are hesitant to change too much about the way the […]

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