June 15, 2017 What’s Really Wrong with America?This should be America’s new gilded age. Yet, in a world increasingly controlled by knowledge and technology, we...
June 22, 2016 Words from momIt’s been a year since mom went to her heavenly home. Beyond the incredible legacy and memories she...
May 30, 2016 There is life after griefWe recently lost an amazing man. Jim Byh was a missionary, father, and friend of an otherworldly caliber....
April 18, 2016 Listen to the Mustn’ts if you want to hear the miraclesWe believe. That God’s Word IS enough. So we plan to reach every child on the planet with...
October 5, 2015 Raise Kids that Stand Strong Against Negative InfluencesMy baby girl got married recently. As I lay awake many nights prior to the ceremony contemplating my...
June 22, 2015 The Christian response: mercy and truthI was sitting at Mom’s bedside in the hospital as the news of Tullian Tchividjian’s resignation began to...
May 19, 2014 The Fierce Urgency of NOWThe average response time after an emergency call is approximately 8 minutes or less as victims requiring resuscitation...
July 8, 2013 Research before you launchAfter my epiphany about Outcomes Based Ministry in Swaziland, we launched a giant research effort in order to...