Prayer and Leadership

Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas last week, and then set its sights on Florida and the OneHope office. The region of the Sunshine State I live in weathered moderate winds and rain, but Dorian caused considerable damage in other places along the East Coast. In the few days leading up to the impending storm, I […]

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Do you have a heart like Jesus?

How are things going with you and the Lord these days? How about in ministry? As our leadership and ministry responsibilities increase, “it’s going well” is often all the response we have time to muster. And whether or not that’s true, we know it’s what people expect to hear from us. Sometimes we’ll drop in […]

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5 secrets to build a GREAT Missions Strategy

I speak with a first-time lead pastor almost every week. And one question that consistently comes up in those conversations is this: How do I develop an engaging missions program at the church? Many people who come into their new role as a lead pastor are hesitant to change too much about the way the […]

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3 Steps to Build a Strong Missions Program

When it’s time for my computer or operating system to run an update, I groan. It takes time, and that little popup usually comes when I’m most busy. But I know that if I fail to take the time to run that update, my systems won’t function optimally, bugs wont’ be fixed and I won’t […]

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