July 10, 2018 Grandparents taking on the role of parents (Lost generation raising the left behind generation)You know when you get a new car, all of a sudden you start to see the same...
August 7, 2014 Outcome Based Ministry OriginsA few years ago, while on a trip to Swaziland, I was struck by what I heard and...
August 4, 2014 Outcome Based Ministry—What is it?OneHope has been around for nearly three decades. It’s not by accident, and we didn’t just get lucky;...
June 30, 2014 Can What You Don’t Know Hurt Your Ministry?Can what you don’t know hurt your ministry? Do you think they wish they had known they were...
August 26, 2013 6 Steps to prevent the next generation from spiritual extinctionDid you know that Swaziland is predicted to be the first nation to become extinct because of HIV/AIDS?...
July 8, 2013 Research before you launchAfter my epiphany about Outcomes Based Ministry in Swaziland, we launched a giant research effort in order to...
June 24, 2013 Ministry Transforming: Outcome-based DesignIn our rapidly changing world, only the most cutting edge products and services can compete. The same is...