Reading vs. Engaging

“Is it enough to simply read God’s Word, or must one actually engage with it to grow in their faith or be transformed by it?

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5 steps to more effective children’s ministry

This sobering article, Has the sun set on Sunday school?, ran in USA Today highlighting staggering declines in attendance. Sunday School is an old concept that has, unfortunately, not evolved much since the 18th century as chronicled in “Who Likes Sunday School?” Sure, we now have colorful environments, flat screen TV’s, and current music, but we are still using an outdated paradigm. If […]

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“Who likes Sunday School?”

My dad stood in front of a group of believers and fired; “raise your hand if you like Sunday school.” People shuffled uncomfortably, and a few sidelong glances were exchanged before a few hesitant hands went up. He shocked everyone to attention as he replied, slightly tongue-in-cheek, “Well, I don’t like Sunday school either. I […]

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