February 3, 2014 Sexless Japan: an unnatural patternIn Japan, Europe and the U.S., statistics are showing that people are marrying later in life or not...
December 31, 2013 My 2013 top 10 listWow—I can hardly believe it’s about to be 2014! We have a lot of exciting things on the...
December 23, 2013 Guilt-free ChristmasAs a member of the trustee board at Oral Roberts University (ORU), I was invited to share a devotional...
November 18, 2013 Parents vs. kids— Internet impressionsIt seems like a baby’s footprint at the hospital is barely dry before their digital footprint is stamped...
November 13, 2013 No Plot Will WorkThis week I received word that a friend and ministry partner had taken his life, leaving behind a wife...