February 21, 2023 What We Can Learn From the Asbury Revival and the Next Generation“Do not leave here until you learn and experience the love of God so you can pour it...
September 7, 2015 conclusion: be effectivePrevious: Connection in ministry In order to prevent losing an entire generation, the Church needs to assert itself...
August 31, 2015 con· nec· tionPrevious post What we discovered placed us at an operational crossroads. We had to decide whether to simply...
August 17, 2015 Family and dis·con·nec·tionIn her book Almost Christian, Kenda Creasy Dean reveals that American youth are ‘almost Christian – but perhaps not...
August 10, 2015 Youth and dis·en·gage·mentThe reality of whether young people are leaving the Church in droves, slow drifting away from deep faith...
April 14, 2014 Reflections on poverty of spirit, power and prestigeThe past two weeks have been surreal. In the span of a fortnight, I buried a beloved uncle, heard the news...
February 3, 2014 Sexless Japan: an unnatural patternIn Japan, Europe and the U.S., statistics are showing that people are marrying later in life or not...
January 6, 2014 Why is it so hip for a kid to be an atheist?The most recent Pew Research data clearly shows the number of religiously unaffiliated Americans—referred to as “nones” since they claim no religion—is...
September 3, 2013 Facebook: does it help teens “like” or “dislike” themselves?While the popularity of Facebook ebbs and flows depending on the newer forms of social media (such as...