June 12, 2016 Russia–video update from RobI'm in Russia at a Pastor's Conference in Moscow, I was able to grab a few minutes and capture the unique...
April 18, 2016 Listen to the Mustn’ts if you want to hear the miraclesWe believe. That God’s Word IS enough. So we plan to reach every child on the planet with...
April 3, 2016 The New Cuban CrisisI happened to be in Cuba at the same time as President Obama a few weeks ago and the Rolling Stones showed...
February 7, 2016 Not Becoming That GuyWe’ve been honored to partner with Pastor Bryan Jarrett on a new initiative called #RuralMatters—meeting a real need...
April 8, 2015 Into RussiaRecent news reports on Russia remind me of days of the Cold War and Soviet domination. People...
February 21, 2014 How sports Ministry is taking the Gospel UpwardIt’s been a real treat to watch the Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, where it’s been 60 degrees...
February 7, 2014 Olympic opening ceremony casts a vision of unityPerhaps the most powerful part of the Olympics is the opening ceremony. And not just because of the...
February 6, 2014 Forgotten Russia during the Sochi Olympic Winter GamesWhen I first heard that the XXII Olympic Winter Games were going to be held in the city of...