January 12, 2015 Millennials speak for themselves: on faithMillennials, part 1 Millennials on the Bible and Miracles Let’s face it, sometimes Millennials get a bad rap....
January 8, 2015 What Millennials really think about the Bibleback to Millennials, part 1 Barna recently released their fascinating insights from one of the largest studies they...
January 5, 2015 Millennials and the churchGoogle “millennials” and more than 9 million results immediately appear. They’re a hot topic, being scrutinized from every angle....
July 28, 2014 Transitioning through the change wellThoughtfully shifting 20th century missions practices to a 21st century paradigm If you are a pastor, staff member...
December 16, 2013 Money and marketing for nonprofitsI recently listened to a speaker, who briefly mentioned that he has been doing missions work in Albania...