Declaration of Interdependence

The word “dependence” has devolved to hold a negative connotation in America. Adding to this notion is that our great nation was built on a foundational Declaration of Independence. Americans value the rugged individualism of the pioneer, innovator, self-made person, like no other culture in human history. There is a beauty and efficiency to this […]

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What I learned playing tennis

I’ll never forget the day two of my buddies and I met at the public park to play doubles tennis and didn’t have a fourth. There was an elderly man sitting on one of the benches holding his racquet–obviously looking to join a game. But being the young tennis bucks that we were, we didn’t want to […]

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The Founder’s Syndrome: Finish well

It’s not easy to give up something you love. In 1993, along with a group of friends and under the direction of World Missions, we re-founded what is now known as Seminario Ministerial Sudamericano (South American Ministerial Seminary), SEMISUD, in the city of Quito, Ecuador. The optimism, energy and vision we had for the project […]

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