March 14, 2017 What I Learned from John C. MaxwellJohn C. Maxwell is the leadership guru. He’s the guy whose books you read and seminars you attend...
August 27, 2016 Leader Chat : Greg Surratt | Part 1Loved getting in front of a camera with Pastor Greg Surratt of Seacoast Church, who is also the...
January 24, 2016 Why GhanaThere’s an impending leadership crisis unless the Global Church figures out how to better engage youth in a...
January 17, 2016 Teaching the Next Generation to Lead with InfluenceWorking with the Global Church to better engage youth in a postmodern context, we wanted to partner with who’s doing leadership...
September 22, 2014 Through LeadersThis summer we convened more than 180 leaders from 46 countries around the world for a week of...
August 21, 2014 5 secrets to build a GREAT Missions StrategyI speak with a first-time lead pastor almost every week. And one question that consistently comes up in...
June 13, 2014 Trusting leaders in ministry—even to say “no”Prior to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, we had the great idea of using the...
February 17, 2014 Legacy: celebrating my dad’s 70th year of ministryAs a seven-year-old boy, my dad—Bob Hoskins—received a vision from the Lord, and preached his first sermon just...
January 6, 2014 Why is it so hip for a kid to be an atheist?The most recent Pew Research data clearly shows the number of religiously unaffiliated Americans—referred to as “nones” since they claim no religion—is...
August 15, 2013 5 Quick Tips for Building MarginSitting in my home office, I can hear the clock ticking. The voice in my head is saying,...
August 8, 2013 Don’t break the mirror“We need to understand that for every statistic, there is a young person who has a face, who...