November 15, 2016 Reaching the Muslim WorldSince the time our family lived and ministered among Muslims in Lebanon, my passion for the Muslim world...
November 1, 2016 Why Now Is the Time to Reach the Muslim WorldIn 1964 I prayed over a map, asking God to show me where my next evangelistic crusade should...
October 27, 2016 Gateway Cities for Fun + FinanceA few years ago, I was invited to give my point of view on “The city of Miami’s...
June 19, 2016 What we CAN do for Modern-Day RefugeesThe daily news cycle drives us face to face with the plight of millions of refugees seeking to...
April 18, 2016 Listen to the Mustn’ts if you want to hear the miraclesWe believe. That God’s Word IS enough. So we plan to reach every child on the planet with...
November 30, 2015 Light up the SahelHeadlines are being monopolized by stories of extremist violence. We are still reeling with shock from the recent...
July 19, 2015 Sound bite missiology: Nairobi—the NYC of AfricaWhen we operate under old assumptions—especially as they relate to the developing world—we miss the most effective opportunity...
June 26, 2014 Plight of the Muslim: the cost to choose ChristIt’s amazing to me how the Internet is heightening our awareness of what is going on in the...
March 10, 2014 7 Trends to Make You Missions SmartDespite the ubiquity of the Internet, not everyone is a specialist. As a missions futurist, I often share...
December 23, 2013 Guilt-free ChristmasAs a member of the trustee board at Oral Roberts University (ORU), I was invited to share a devotional...
October 31, 2013 Macrotrend: Inevitable Clash of Islam and ChristianityIslam and Christianity have long been at odds as two dominant expansionary world religions, but geography has...
September 19, 2013 Hope Delivered: Nassi’s StoryBecause we do follow-up research after launching a program or distributing a product, we gather not only statistics,...