February 28, 2016 Struck by lightningupdated 2.28.16 This is classically the busiest season of my year; board meetings, budget process, conventions and speaking...
May 7, 2015 Mental illness to surpass healthcare costsI love thumbing through Tweets, skimming research, statistics and findings. But some, like this one, shock and disturb...
July 10, 2014 The Ebola virus is out of control in West Africa; how you and I are not immune…As I’ve been scanning news articles like this one from Time calling the spread of the deadly Ebola...
May 19, 2014 The Fierce Urgency of NOWThe average response time after an emergency call is approximately 8 minutes or less as victims requiring resuscitation...
October 28, 2013 Visions from ThundercloudsIn a recent interview, I was asked what inspired my leadership and vision for ministry. Some thoughts that...
October 11, 2013 Is God’s Word Enough?We sent a team to the Catalyst conference in Atlanta, GA last week to help spread the word...