Do You Dare Ask for More?

Do you dare ask for More?

If people understood the theological implication of sacrifice that this request for “more” requires of them, they might not ask for it so casually.

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Tracking The Trends: Paganization of The West

While we fully anticipated that the West would grow increasingly paganized, I never expected how hard the rise of the pagan mind would hit the church. Maybe, I just didn’t expect how poorly the church would respond.

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5 Things I’ve learned from David Green

There are things you only learn through association with others. I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by incredible people who are constantly teaching me things I’d never get to experience otherwise. One of these people is David Green, founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby.

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A Place For Every Person

Every time I post about refugees, I get a backlash of political comments. I don’t broach this subject lightly, nor do I do so to posit or elicit a political response. I talk about it because it’s our Christian duty to understand and respond to the reality of refugees everywhere.

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What I Learned from John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is the leadership guru. He’s the guy whose books you read and seminars you attend if you want to become a better leader.

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Reading vs. Engaging

“Is it enough to simply read God’s Word, or must one actually engage with it to grow in their faith or be transformed by it?

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