Digital boosts spread of the Bible

Technology is a game changer. It has enabled many to make Scripture available in digital formats or extend their reach with a few clicks or swipes. Because of it, we have been able to reach people with God’s Word in ways and places we never before deemed possible. We have seen digital tools like Incredible […]

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Why Next Gen?

I just turned 50. But I don’t feel it. I think it’s because I regularly and intentionally hang out with 20-year-olds. Here’s why: if you love culture, then you love 20-year-olds. They have more wisdom than teenagers and are inherently in tune with the culture. Not only is it energizing to be around twenty-somethings, it’s […]

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Millennials speak for themselves: on faith

Millennials, part 1 Millennials on the Bible and Miracles Let’s face it, sometimes Millennials get a bad rap. But the numbers don’t always support the perception. For instance, among religiously-affiliated Millennials, their loyalty to an institution, organization or affiliation is as strong today as it has been among previous generations. More than one-third of religiously […]

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What Millennials really think about the Bible

back to Millennials, part 1 Barna recently released their fascinating insights from one of the largest studies they have ever done on a single generation: Millennials. The study surveys Millenials on their view of the Bible, and results show that practicing Christians in this age range hold the Bible in very high regard: *Information in […]

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Millennials and the church

Google “millennials” and more than 9 million results immediately appear. They’re a hot topic, being scrutinized from every angle. Why? Because the hope of the world hangs on their shoulders. But do you really understand this immensely portended generation? “There’s lots of chatter about what Millennials like and don’t like, why they are and aren’t coming to church. […]

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The 5 most powerful prayers at our ministry

A friend sent me a blog on prayer and said, “hey, you should read this!” So I did. A few paragraphs in, I realized it was more about prayerlessness than prayer; antipodal to a post I was currently working on. I view prayer quite differently than the article describes. I grew up in a home […]

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