Millennials, part 1 Millennials on the Bible and Miracles Let’s face it, sometimes Millennials get a bad rap. But the numbers don’t always support the perception. For instance, among religiously-affiliated Millennials, their loyalty to an institution, organization or affiliation is as strong today as it has been among previous generations. More than one-third of religiously […]
back to Millennials, part 1 Barna recently released their fascinating insights from one of the largest studies they have ever done on a single generation: Millennials. The study surveys Millenials on their view of the Bible, and results show that practicing Christians in this age range hold the Bible in very high regard: *Information in […]
Google “millennials” and more than 9 million results immediately appear. They’re a hot topic, being scrutinized from every angle. Why? Because the hope of the world hangs on their shoulders. But do you really understand this immensely portended generation? “There’s lots of chatter about what Millennials like and don’t like, why they are and aren’t coming to church. […]
The first reports of the Ebola virus in West Africa broke in March of this year.[1] Rumors and reports popped up, the world watched thinking, “oh, it’s just a few people, I’m sure they’ll get it under control.” Until a devastating CDC report was released warning that the Ebola epidemic was outpacing the ability for […]
Sometimes our mission of “God’s Word, Every Child” prompts the question, “why children?” The tone varies from honest curiosity to judgmental condemnation. On a pragmatic level, we know youth are often the easiest audience to accept the Truth. We also know that children who accept this Truth go on to lead more spiritually vibrant lives later in […]
This week my wife, two sons and I arrived in Norway and officially embarked on an adventure only God could have started. We spent the last couple of months literally giving away, selling or packing up everything we own and saying goodbye to family and friends. The reason? We’re obeying the Lord’s call to follow […]