April 20, 2017 Lessons I’ve Learned in the ChairToday is my last day as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Oral Roberts University. It...
March 28, 2017 Why It’s Critical to Increase Cultural IQI used to think you were either born with it or you weren’t. Now, I’m starting to see...
December 30, 2013 Macro Trend: Paganization of the WestWhat has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new...
December 2, 2013 The stereotype of stereotypingI chuckled to myself as I read through the stereotypes of different nationalities charted on the Lewis Diagram. Being a...
September 23, 2013 God said Turn RightI always drive the same route to work. One day while sitting at a red light a few...