Why a Thick Gospel is so Important

We’ve all done it. Programmatically it makes perfect sense. We take something as complex as the Gospel and simplify it in an attempt to discover the “formula”—the silver bullet—for effective ministry. Because if we can do that, we can easily follow and replicate the pattern to successfully create Christ followers anywhere. We don’t have bad […]

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4 Ways to Transform Your Culture by Greg Surratt

Privileged to have my friend Greg Surratt of Seacoast church come share with the OneHope staff in chapel. His message was on point for those of us working in ministry. -Rob Vision is important. When I was a young church planter, it was all I had. I didn’t have a team, financial backing, or a […]

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6 Ways Leaders Can Remain Relevant

In a recent podcast, virtual mentor Michael Hyatt revealed that as he became increasingly successful, he discovered more and more layers isolating and detaching him from the people he was trying to help. This is a scary reality that no effective leader wants to discover in his or her life. How can leaders keep the […]

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The New Cuban Crisis

I happened to be in Cuba at the same time as President Obama a few weeks ago and the Rolling Stones showed up last week. These guys just keep following me around! Cuba, with its “slow roll” opening is the new hot destination. In 25 years of traveling to the island I have never seen so many tourists. Inevitably […]

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On Easter

In anticipation of Easter, I value the practice of Lent.  I admit it’s very challenging for me as a Type A charger and maximizer. I’m wired to increase everything, so it’s truly a discipline to intentionally commit to a season of decrease. However, during Lent this year I had the privilege of reframing my thinking through […]

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Why Next Gen?

I just turned 50. But I don’t feel it. I think it’s because I regularly and intentionally hang out with 20-year-olds. Here’s why: if you love culture, then you love 20-year-olds. They have more wisdom than teenagers and are inherently in tune with the culture. Not only is it energizing to be around twenty-somethings, it’s […]

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