Living a Gutenberg Moment

We are living in exciting times. The Word of God is going forth like never before! I feel the excitement of the Church in Acts 2. As the Spirit moved then, it is moving again now. In an exciting and unexpected way, the Church has the opportunity to spread the Gospel through a variety of […]

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Sound bite missiology: Nairobi—the NYC of Africa

When we operate under old assumptions—especially as they relate to the developing world—we miss the most effective opportunity to minister to a 21st-century audience. Craig Groeschel, senior pastor of—known for the innovative use of technology to spread the Gospel—says: “To reach people no one is reaching, we have to do things no one is […]

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Tips to build a Leadership Dream Team

At a Global Congress of worldwide ministry leaders, we held a panel discussion (above) featuring 6 missions and ministry veterans representing well over 200 years of experience. I marveled as they freely shared their expertise and wisdom with the current up-and-coming generation of leaders in attendance. But I was also struck by the longevity of their […]

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5 Quick Tips for Building Margin

Sitting in my home office, I can hear the clock ticking. The voice in my head is saying, “Get to work… Sunday’s coming… check the in-box… write the message… call those leaders…” In ministry, it never stops. It seems we’re always pushing the edge of the envelope with our schedule, our priorities and our time. […]

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