April 3, 2016 The New Cuban CrisisI happened to be in Cuba at the same time as President Obama a few weeks ago and the Rolling Stones showed...
December 2, 2013 The stereotype of stereotypingI chuckled to myself as I read through the stereotypes of different nationalities charted on the Lewis Diagram. Being a...
October 17, 2013 8 strategic shifts for 21st century missionsIf you are in ministry, your head must be spinning from the rapid changes that have taken place...
July 25, 2013 Spiritually Homeless YouthIn his book You Lost Me, David Kinnaman—president of the Barna Group—divides once church-going Millennials into three types...
July 8, 2013 Research before you launchAfter my epiphany about Outcomes Based Ministry in Swaziland, we launched a giant research effort in order to...