December 21, 2022 The Christmas Story: What Gifts Are You Bringing Into the New Season?If you grew up attending church, you’ve probably heard and read about the wise men and their gifts...
December 21, 2016 The Greatest GiftI remember years ago—when my daughters were much younger—the excitement that would build in the days leading up...
November 25, 2016 Advent Traditions From Around The WorldAs the holiday season charges full-speed ahead, it is easy to be caught in the whirlwind of it...
December 23, 2015 Old Story NewI am constantly amazed at how cyclical what’s old becomes new again. Especially how sharing God’s story of...
December 20, 2015 A Christmas Post: Mary’s MessageI love thinking about the Christmas story from Mary’s vantage point. Everyone remembers being a teenager…you’re figuring out...
January 16, 2014 Behind the scenes: The Bible App for KidsWho knew that the Bible App for Kids would spread so quickly? We are quickly approaching the 12 million download...
December 23, 2013 Guilt-free ChristmasAs a member of the trustee board at Oral Roberts University (ORU), I was invited to share a devotional...