Do you have a heart like Jesus?

How are things going with you and the Lord these days? How about in ministry? As our leadership and ministry responsibilities increase, “it’s going well” is often all the response we have time to muster. And whether or not that’s true, we know it’s what people expect to hear from us. Sometimes we’ll drop in […]

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Legacy: celebrating my dad’s 70th year of ministry

As a seven-year-old boy, my dad—Bob Hoskins—received a vision from the Lord, and preached his first sermon just days later. This year marks Dad’s 70 amazing years doing God’s work. It’s a phenomenal story, really. His evangelistic outreaches as a boy brought thousands to Christ. His missionary journeys as a teenager launched new churches. Mom […]

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This changes everything: Bible App for Kids

Donkey and the King - Bible App for Kids

It’s here! It’s available today! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. There are only a few times in my life where I have stopped and said, “this changes everything.” When I distinctly heard God’s call on my life. When I held my first child. When I lost and then regained […]

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