Russia–video update from Rob Rob Hoskins June 12, 2016

Russia–video update from Rob

I’m in Russia at a Pastor’s Conference in Moscow, I was able to grab a few minutes and capture the unique vision of Bishop Edward Grabovenko and his dynamic Russian church-planting plan.

Listen to this brief update on Russia–how Pastor Edward asked God to provide 15 teams, and the incredible increase and reach God has granted.

The Russian church is planting the Russian church in hundreds of thousands of towns and villages across the country.

[easy-tweet tweet=”The Russian church is planting the Russian Church across the country” user=”@RobHoskins” hashtags=”#Russia”]

We are so honored to partner and provide OneHope Scripture engagement programs for their outreaches and as the foundation of these new church plants.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Live video update how God is moving in Russia today–” user=”RobHoskins” hashtags=”#Russia #OneHope”]


eduard2_200_200In December 2009 Edward Grabovenko was elected the Head Bishop of the Russian Church of Evangelical Christians (Pentecostal Union of Russia), with more than 3,000 churches spread over the entire country. My good friend of more than 25 years has a vision for planting over 10,000 churches–at least one in every Russian city, town and village which does not currently have a church.

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