Pursue, Pursue, Pursue Your Mentor Rob Hoskins January 22, 2021

Pursue, Pursue, Pursue Your Mentor

Pursue, Pursue, Pursue Your Mentor

It’s your job to pursue your mentor, not the other way around. Take the initiative to start the conversation. Be willing to try again if you don’t succeed the first time. Show how you can add value to that person.

When a mentor does say yes, you may need to be creative in finding a time for you both to meet. Do you live in the same city and can connect during a morning jog? Does a 30-minute monthly video call work better? Find what works for both of you.

1 Comment
  • Reply
    January 28, 2021, 3:40 pm

    Good evening Dear Mentor Rob,
    I’m so happy to make contact with in ivery-coast on September 2016. I are Impact my life and my ministry.
    I’ll be glad to have Manu time with for be teach.

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