Part of…not separated Rob Hoskins July 15, 2021

Part of…not separated

Part of…not separated

The book of 1 Corinthians points out an important biblical principle that applies to Christian leaders today. In this Bible passage, the Kingdom of God is related to a physical body, with many parts making up the whole. You can read the full-text here: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. If you’re a Christian leader, you are a part of the body of Christ, not separated from it. Instead of leading a body, you are subjected to being part of it, meaning there is more accountability involved. Christian leaders have a flatter, submissive accountability model than a normal corporate context. Whether in business, education, or ministry a ‘your way or the highway’ approach is not an appropriate Kingdom leadership disposition. We are called to value everyone and consider the whole. 

Far more important than my individual role as the leader. Anything you’re trying to build; you need to approach with a sense of impartiality. Are you best suited for the role you are in or that you want to step into? You need to be very self-aware of what your strengths are as a leader. What is it that you provide uniquely  as a leader that the organization is going to benefit from?

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