Organizational Inertia Rob Hoskins January 26, 2022

Organizational Inertia

The core of a healthy outcome-based organization is its ability to change and pivot. 

As Peter Drucker explained, 

All organizations need to know that virtually no program or activity will perform effectively for a long time without modification and redesign. Eventually every activity becomes obsolete. We need concepts and measurements that give to other kinds of organizations what the market test and profitability yardstick give to business. 1  

When you think about this in your own work, what yardstick are you using to ensure that what you are managing is producing the best possible results?

The beginning of the year is a good time to honestly evaluate if you are content and excited about the state of what you manage. Is it producing the optimal outcomes that you believe are needed? 

In my life, ministry, and career I’ve almost always discovered that if I’m able to self-evaluate and critique a program’s performance against what is possible and needed, I can always find room for improvement and change. 

As I reflect on the importance of not allowing my work to become stagnant, Matthew 25:21 comes to mind: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (NIV)

Let’s be rigorous to strive for excellence.  Let’s not be content with good enough. Let’s understand that we’ve been given much to steward and the need to improve, change, and adapt is a God-given calling on us all. 

I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions to find possible spaces in which to grow: 

  • Are the outcomes I’m seeing worth the time, energy, and resources I’m investing?

  • Could I achieve the same, or better, outcomes with a lower investment if I changed something about my process, system, or strategy?



1 Drucker, Peter F. (2009-10-13). The Daily Drucker (p. 6). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

  • Reply
    January 28, 2022, 10:10 am


  • Reply
    January 28, 2022, 10:32 am

    Agreed with Simon…how much does One Hope’s students’ athletics (ie: soccer) play in retaining Christian belief system for these children…may be as important as Bible study ? Team discipline there may be similar to Christian discipline in life.

  • Reply
    February 1, 2022, 7:07 am

    God continue to bless you, Sir for this piece and for your life. I would humbly like to share my thoughts in two parts: the ministry or work of God as a business, and our individual calling in relation to the ministry or work of God.
    Jesus Christ at the age of 12 referred to the work of God or ministry as his father’s Business (Luke 2:49 KJV). Apostle Paul also did the same in his epistle to Christians in Rome (Romans 12 :11 KJV). He admonished them not to be slothful in Business but fervent in spirit.
    Indeed, every business ought to improve the quality of its products, human resource and concepts as well as make the necessary changes and adaptions in order to remain in existence, relatively. The world is changing so fast and knowledge is increasing rapidly as predicted by the scripture (Daniel 12: 4 ).
    Experience has taught us the need to improve upon our best practices and outcomes with cost reduction, time and again. The best of yesteryears have become absolute years ago. For instance, the first computer invented was huge enough to occupy the space of a room
    Today, a high quality computer can be so small and handy and can be put in a pocket or a hand bag.
    One phrase I remember most often from the teachings of Smith Wigglesworth, (affectionately called the apostle of faith) is “doing our best with improvement.” In other words, we should have the mind to improve upon our best. Shalom and life to you, Sir!!!

  • Reply
    February 1, 2022, 12:42 pm

    I would like to share the second part of my thoughts here: our individual calling in relation to the work of God or ministry.
    We know that our giftings, talents, and callings are placed in us not outside us by God. What we have to do is to discover what giftings, talents, and callings God has placed in us and use and develop them simultaneously to the glory of God. This is where the challenge is: using and developing our gifts and talents for the work of God or ministry.
    But, the main thought I wish to put across has to do with the scope of operation or function of our gifts and talents: this is determined by God., I believe. It is by the grace of God. What I am saying here is that whether or not God has predestined our individual gifts and talents to be a blessing to the world or not, we can find that within us and not outside us. For instance, Joseph’s destiny to be a blessing to Egypt and the world in his days was placed within him by God. It is by the grace of God. Joseph’s brothers did not have that within them because it is of God and not of men. Of course, we also know that the enemy always tries to abort God’s plans for us.
    Whatever God has placed in us, we can not fulfill or accomplish it on our own without Him. For instance, how could Joseph have interpreted Pharaoh’s dream if God did not make him (Pharaoh) dream? We can never make the God – given dream good or a reality without the God factor, I believe.
    Again, we have to learn as believers to appreciate whatever dream God has placed in one another and not oppose or fight against it as the brothers of Joseph did. Each person’s gifts and talents or if you like God – given role or responsibility requires the God factor, irrespective of its scope.
    By the grace of God, I appreciate and it inspires me when I find a believer or someone who pursues his God – given dream with great passion. Sir, I must say here that I feel so much inspired by your great passion. May the Lord God keep you, strengthen you and grant you long life, in Jesus name, Amen. Shalom!!!

  • Reply
    February 1, 2022, 9:58 pm

    John the Baptist said that a man can receive nothing except it is given to him from heaven (John 3:27 KJV). The best of yesteryears have become obsolete years ago. As believers, God expects us to act without fear nor partiality because He has said that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13: 5 KJV). He is alive and all powerful. Shalom!!!

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