Nothing Matters More Rob Hoskins February 23, 2022

Nothing Matters More

Serving a global ministry like OneHope, I’ve had the opportunity to hear hundreds of incredible testimonies from young people all around the world who have experienced the life-changing message of the Gospel. Each story I hear reminds me of the necessity of reflection, of taking a moment to look at our past and thank God for seeing us through.  

My good friend Pastor Mayo Sowell recently brought a prophetic reminder to the OneHope team from Philippians 1:18, and I believe it has application to all of our lives. The verse reads: “But what does it matter? Nothing matters except that, in one way or another, people are told the message about Christ.” (GW)

It’s easy to get distracted in the fast-paced, dynamic world we live in today. Just think of the sheer amount of information we have access to. According to Forbes, the average American sees between 4,000 and 10,000 advertisements a day. Back in the 1970s, 500 to 1,600 was the norm.1 We shape our lives and pour our energy into what matters to us. The enemy would love nothing more than to move our focus away from God’s mission. However, we must be steadfast in our devotion to the Word, or our attention will be easily captured by not just the media we consume, but by the situations we can’t control.

Nothing matters more than God’s mission for each one of us to share the Gospel with those in our sphere of influence.

While each of our lives are filled with tasks and obligations due to the different roles we fill, we can’t let the busyness of life distract us from continually pointing people to Christ. I’m a husband, a dad, a grandfather, a friend, a mentor, and a ministry leader – roles that I cherish. There have been many sweet moments while in these roles where I’ve had the chance to bring others closer to God and His Word, but I have to be watchful for those windows of opportunity on a daily basis. When we share the hope of the Gospel message with others, people’s lives are changed. 

We see in Scripture another reminder to stay the course in Joshua 1:6-7:

“Be strong and courageous, for you will distribute the land I swore to their ancestors to give them as an inheritance. Above all, be strong and very courageous to observe carefully the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go.” (CSB)

At OneHope we passionately believe in God’s Word. Every Child. because it invites children to live with hope and a purpose. We cannot lose sight of what matters most in the ministry, which is seeing this generation and future generations experience and engage with God’s Word. This generation needs to know that with so much competing for their attention and affection – nothing matters more, and nothing will sustain them more, than the Word of God. 

We cannot go on this journey alone. To reach every child, we need guidance from the Holy Spirit. We need to walk alongside the Church and other organizations, bridging together denominations and cultures. It takes many people working together. One body, united in Christ, working to bring the transformational power of the Gospel to every child and youth. 

If you’re a follower of Christ, remember to not get bogged down, off track, disunified, or distracted. Focus on what God has called you to do–share His story. We’re part of one mission, one Church body, one victorious ending. God’s Word brings about transformation and we are invited to participate in sharing it with others. Inviting them to move from darkness into light. From bondage into freedom. From hopelessness to hope. Nothing matters more.



1 Simpson, Jon. 2017. “Finding Brand Success In The Digital World.” August 25. Accessed January 11, 2022.; Wallace-Brewster, Dan. 2021. “Efficacy Versus Embellishment: The Next Era in Marketing Messaging.” Forbes. March 22. Accessed February 23, 2022.

  • Reply
    February 25, 2022, 10:43 am


  • Reply
    February 28, 2022, 12:08 pm

    Yes, Sir. Sharing the message with others to point them to Christ is the most important thing to do. That’s why Jesus Christ left His Glory in heaven to come to this world.
    He shared the message of God’s kingdom. We have to do same intentionally, time and again. Thanks and God bless you richly, Sir. Shalom!!

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