Lumière Project Church Planting Initiative Rob Hoskins March 21, 2017

Lumière Project Church Planting Initiative

Research is vital to our work at OneHope—it isn’t something we keep on the backburner or treat as an afterthought. It is a foundational and strategic component we embrace as a ministry. As new initiatives and programs are implemented, we periodically keep a pulse on them. This was most recently reflected in an update about one of our church planting initiatives.

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The Lumière Project is taking the light of Christ to French-speaking Africa with the goal of planting 3,300 churches in the area by 2020. These churches are being planted through outreaches conducted using the animated story of Jesus, The GodMan film, and the God’s Big Story children’s program. French-speaking Africa is one of the last places on earth where open evangelism efforts can legally take place in the Muslim world, and the research we just received about the project is encouraging! Since the launch of the Lumière Project, more than 634 churches have been planted with a cumulative attendance of over 32,000 people – a testament of God’s faithfulness as we walk this journey with Him.

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Evaluating programs like this one provides accountability to our partners and those in the field, and helps OneHope steward our resources and energy well. Without this practice, there would be little direction on what we needed to improve to make a program more effective.

Through three evaluation periods, we are able to monitor the progress of the developing Lumière church plants, and document both successes and challenges. The Launch Survey is completed right after the church is planted. It is then followed by the Initial Follow-up Survey and Final Follow-up Survey, each conducted 6 to 12 months apart.

Take a look at some of these interesting facts we have learned through our research so far:

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By having a clear glimpse into the reality of the church plants, we can better serve and equip our field partners, the dedicated and brave men and women who often sacrifice greatly to share the Good News in their region. Continued research and evaluation of this project will aid in the development of sustainable communities of faith.

As we press on toward the goal of planting 3,300 churches, and the inevitable challenges and opposition in the days ahead, I’m reminded of Colossians 3:23, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” This is why we make the effort – to glorify the Name Above All Names.

Interested in finding out more about the Lumière Project? Download our report here:


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