Preparing for the Future, Now: How do we operate? Part 3 Rob Hoskins June 14, 2021

Preparing for the Future, Now: How do we operate? Part 3

Preparing for the Future, Now: How do we operate? Part 3

Our talent is scarcer than capital
We’re operating in a knowledge economy. As individuals grow with your organization, they become specialized and increase in their knowledge and expertise about the specific function and structure of the company. That’s why when someone leaves, the team feels that resounding absence. If you hire externally to fill the role, they must start from square one, not having the context of the previous person. 

It’s important to hire those who have the needed competencies, but also connect with your mission and vision. I’d rather hire someone with a solid resume, who’s eager and connects with your organization’s values, over the candidate with the seemingly perfect resume, but isn’t passionate about what you’re doing. I’m thankful for the team at OneHope, and how each person carries the mission forward – whether they are on the journey for a short while or decades. 

Reflect: What were your initial thoughts about this trait? Does it resonate with you? If not, why? 

You’re reading post 6 of 9 about the traits of future-ready companies! Need to catch up? Start from the beginning here. You’ll have a chance to thoughtfully analyze how your company or organization is preparing for tomorrow. By the end of the series, you’ll have a deeper understanding of organizational gaps you could fill. Don’t miss the next topic exploring how to grow.

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