Hope Delivered: Tiffany’s Story Rob Hoskins November 7, 2013

Hope Delivered: Tiffany’s Story

Because we do follow-up research after launching a program or distributing a product, we gather not only statistics, but also inspiring stories that keep fueling us to do what we do. Here is one of them.

Tiffany’s story could be true of any young girl around the world, but hers took place in Peru. A rebel war forced hundreds of thousands of peasants – campesinos, including Tiffany’s parents – to flee their rural homes and seek refuge in the big cities. Unable to find work in Lima, the family scavenged materials to build a makeshift shelter in a squatter’s community that came to be known as “San Juan de Lurigancho.”

The tin shingles that kept the rain out of their “home” were purchased on credit. Payment was due to the contractor every week, whether or not they had found work or income. The stress of their situation caused Tiffany’s father, who was an artist, to fall into dark moods and alcoholism that led to drunken rages and physical abuse of his wife and children.

The same day that the workmen came to repossess their unpaid-for roof was the same day OneHope was at Tiffany’s school distributing the Book of Hope. Tiffany was so excited about receiving the book that she invited our team to her home to meet her mama.

As you can imagine, it was quite unsettling to arrive at the house while workmen were dismantling and removing the family’s roof, but Tiffany’s hospitable mom invited the team in anyway.

The team was shaken after the visit; had they known about this family’s situation in advance, they could have raised and brought funds to save this family’s home. But knowing they had given Tiffany’s family the only thing that could truly bring them hope, they prayed for God to work the powerful truths of His Word into their lives.

After reading the Book of Hope and attending a HopeFest Celebration, both Tiffany and her mom dedicated their lives to Christ. Soon after, Tiffany’s older sister also chose to follow Christ, and their alcoholic father – astounded by the changes in his family – also accepted Christ! The abuse stopped and the healing began.

Tiffany has since completed her education and started a preschool, called “Estrellitas de Amor” (“Little Stars of Love”) that employs two other teachers to help her care for 36 little ones. She has partnered with her local church and hopes to continue her education, expand her school to offer more grade levels, and make Little Stars of Love a ministry for families – like hers had been – that have few resources.

By God’s grace, His Word sank deep into the heart of little Tiffany and affected destiny not only for her, but for her entire family, and even now is still making waves of impact in her community. A biblical message of purpose and hope put them on a path that led to amazing life transformation. A roof alone could never have done that.

This story was originally featured in my book, Hope Delivered.

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