Feeding by farming Rob Hoskins October 16, 2015

Feeding by farming

Did you know that World Food Day has been celebrated globally for 36 years? Hunger is still a daily challenge for many.

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But today we are celebrating by sharing one of our programs that takes action against hunger.

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We partnered with Foundations for Farming to design a program to combat hunger—both physical and spiritual—starting in Southern Africa. We specifically designed curriculum for Zimbabwean teachers to instruct students in no-till farming from a biblical perspective.

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Farming, while providing sustenance for the physical body, also provides the most natural avenue for sharing biblical truths that apply to all of life.

See where hunger is the worst on the 2015 FAO Food Hunger Map here

As students watch and anticipate harvesting their maize and vegetable gardens, they themselves are growing to be sustainers and life-givers.


The 32 farming lessons are thematically paired with Bible stories and precepts that walk them through the redemptive story of Jesus and is easily replicated to any agrarian context.


Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.”
John 6:35


From students in the program:

“We find the Bible stories make classes much more interesting”

“We love the farming, being able to read and growing a garden”

“We can help our parents now!!”

“We must learn to do things ‘on time’, and ‘with joy’

“We are learning to listen!”

“[Our parents/families] are happy how we are farmers at 10 years of age”

Learn more about the Foundations for Farming program here.


[1] http://www.wfp.org/hunger/stats
[2] http://www.worldfooddayusa.org/did-you-know
[3] http://www.fao.org/hunger/en/
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