Fasting and Prayer Guide: Kick-Start a New Beginning Rob Hoskins January 4, 2023

Fasting and Prayer Guide: Kick-Start a New Beginning

Let me be honest, I love to eat. 

When I was growing up, my family enjoyed gathering around the table and sharing memories over great dishes. Our quality time at home largely consisted of cooking and eating together.

Today, it brings me joy to be creative in the kitchen. Trying new recipes and going to new restaurants are some of my favorite pastimes. Even now, when my family travels across the United States and around the world, we can’t wait to try new types of cuisine available to us. 

Due to this, the spiritual discipline I’ve struggled with the most throughout my life is fasting. There was a time when even three-day fasts felt impossible. However, about 10 years ago, I felt the Lord telling me to make fasting a priority, and now I make sure to commit myself to a 21-day fast at the beginning of every year. 

What I’ve found is that every time I do a fast, it takes away some stability in my life and forces me to lean on God’s strength. I’ve also noticed that spiritual gifts become more acute in this space. I usually experience heightened discernment, knowledge, and wisdom. Every fast is different as God reveals new insights. In fact, I often get a little nervous before each 21-day fast because I know it’s going to reveal what has been hidden, whether that’s something I personally need to work through with the Lord or a circumstance happening around me that’s shrouded in darkness.

This year, I decided to create a free 21-day fasting and prayer guide for those who want to join me in the new year! Through this guide, we will go through Jesus’ fasting and temptation in the wilderness, meditate on important biblical teachings, and edify our souls as we fast from food and feast on God. The guide also includes weekly devotions as well as daily reflection questions and journal space. 

The psalmist invites us to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps. 34:8 NIV). What does it actually mean to taste the goodness of God? What would it mean for you to know deep within what the psalmist says elsewhere: “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Ps. 119:103 NIV). We have an opportunity to cleanse our palates, which have grown too fond of lesser tastes, so that we can experience afresh the sweet taste of the goodness of our God and His Word. 

2022 has been a whirlwind for me, so I’m excited to pause and focus on God’s glory as He prepares me for what lies ahead. When we seek Him first, everything else in our lives will fall into place. Let’s make it a goal to spend more time with Him in the coming year and see what great things He has in store for us.

Download your free 21-day fasting and prayer guide!


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