Words from mom Rob Hoskins June 22, 2016

Words from mom

It’s been a year since mom went to her heavenly home. Beyond the incredible legacy and memories she left, I’ve been so thankful for her words. Some are private and precious, others—like her book—were meant to publicly minister to many.  Mom never withheld her words—she spoke life and truth every chance she had. I am thankful for her enduring depth of insight and wisdom.

Mom wrote a poem, “May I Come as a Child”, when my daughter Diandra was a toddler. This one section has ministered to me to greatly over the past year. Thankful for mom’s enduring depth of insight and wisdom.

“I watched my grandchild today,
As with tottering steps she made her way
Across the room.
Oh she’s fallen! But just as quickly up again,
Advancing with more courage and strength.
Lord, if I falter and fall, don’t let me sit in my
weakness and self-pity,
But may I rise quickly;
For each time I try again, my steps grow stronger,
And I advance further.
May I come as a child.”
-Hazel Hoskins

Hazel Hoskins | Remembrance | Robhoskins.com

May we always come as a child into the arms of our Heavenly Father. Love you mom and miss you always!

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