2014 Retrospective: looking back and summing up Rob Hoskins December 26, 2014

2014 Retrospective: looking back and summing up

Last year I did a top 10 list of the most popular posts on my blog.

But 2014 has been very different. God has opened a lot of doors, and there are so many exciting things in the works. In the meantime, if you don’t read any of my other posts from this year, please don’t miss these important topics:

07FourFourteenTake Note! Global Macro Trends

I often say, “Research is prophetic.” Meeting regularly with churches and organizations, I can’t emphasize enough that to remain relevant, you have to know who you are serving. To that end, I preach these Macro Trends everywhere I go…and we’re seeing them play out—for better and for worse—in almost every church and ministry across the globe. Take note: these trends are impacting everything and will either catalyze or impede your message.

Family and Ministry

Dad and I teamed up to share the one word answer to the question we are most asked by people in ministry—how do you balance family and ministry? If you’ve ever asked that question yourself, or heard it swirling around your workplace, give this post a quick look.

LeadershipOn Leadership

It’s more than just posting Peter Drucker quotes: successful leadership means surrounding yourself with a dream team made up of people you trust enough to let them say “no”. These two posts are close to my heart and sum up much of what I have learned in my time as president of an expanding international ministry.

Technology Opening Doors

Digital is the new water in missions, and the Bible App for Kids is changing everything! Check out two of my favorite posts in the technology section for a glimpse of where digital ministry is heading.

The Miracles of the Mustn’ts

God is faithful—I can’t help but repeat this Mantra of Miracles, as God has proved himself over and over again to the ministry of OneHope and in my life personally.

Staying on Mission

Railroad TracksIf you want to understand OneHope, and our daring to dream the impossible dream of “God’s Word Every Child,” head over to my Laying Tracks post for the background that drives us forward on this mission.

For more of my posts, enjoy a FREE download of my ebook, MissioLOGICAL: Thoughts on missions, leadership, and reaching the next generation.


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