Syria: What Obama missed, believers cannot Rob Hoskins September 12, 2013

Syria: What Obama missed, believers cannot

Silhouette of a refugees family with children

If the recent civil war and violence hasn’t been damaging enough, the fact that more than a million children are now refugees is heartbreaking. Of the 10 points President Obama made in his speech, he didn’t mention the refugees once. What our President overlooked, believers cannot.

What does the believer do when there is no ‘politically correct’ response?

A friend from the Middle East wrote:


Other friends in locations I am not allowed to disclose are hoping that above all else the US doesn’t exacerbate the situation by doing ‘something’ for the sake of political expediency.

As the Church it is clear that we can do ‘something’. We can help the suffering. How we each choose to do that might look different to every person. But it is clear that we must make the choice to do something. If you don’t have a relationship with local partners that can reach and minister in Syria, we do.

The Church EXISTS FOR TIMES LIKE THESE! In troubled times the body of Christ, united, is called to reach out to every broken and fearful individual.

It is in times like these that we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a battered community suffering the awful effects of war; and to be a mobilizing force to local volunteers who want to love, care for, and encourage those who have lost so much.

As details emerge revealing the crisis in the Middle East, I’m drawn to the Psalms—especially Psalm 46. It makes me realize how utterly broken this world and its systems are. David’s laments still apply today. But you and I need not wallow in despondency at the sad the state of our world.

There is an unending supply of hope that exists in the capability of the Church—in you and me—to build the Kingdom; provide a haven of peace and abundant life in the midst of despair. Not to mention the jubilant hope of eternal life for all who enter in.

Violence and turbulence is not new to the world, hence the words of this Psalm resonate through history and hold strong meaning for us today—and with what is going on in Syria they seem to mean more to me now than ever. No matter the state of unrest, Immanuel—God is with us.

See what we’re doing to help children in crisis in Syria:


U.N.: More than 2 million Syrians have fled their country

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