What if our kids’ first Bible is an app? Bobby Gruenewald November 25, 2013

What if our kids’ first Bible is an app?

When we hear about generations who are digital natives, I think of something that happened with my son a few years ago. We were in the car and he heard a song he loves. When it was over, he asked me to play it again. The only problem was that we were listening to the radio. As much as I tried to explain the concept, his limited toddler life experience hadn’t encountered anything other than on-demand music.

Our kids won’t just be digital natives, they will be mobile natives. What they think of as a computer won’t sit on a desk. And their perception of a book might not be based on paper.

So what does this mean for us as we introduce children to Scripture? I believe we have not only the opportunity but the responsibility to create engaging digital experiences where our children can fall in love with God’s Word.

Enter the Bible App for Kids.

The Bible App for Kids is the newest member of the YouVersion family of apps. We wanted to design an experience from the ground up that would be something kids love. The free app introduces children to the Bible using content from our great friends at OneHope. These are stories that will have kids not just interacting with them once, but returning to them again and again.

Just like we’ve seen the Bible App transform how our generation is engaging with Scripture, we believe the Bible App for Kids will change how the next generation discovers the grand narrative of the Bible. And we’re not alone in this belief—it’s one of the most common requests from the YouVersion community. In fact, a recent survey we conducted revealed that more than 95 percent of parents would be interested in an app that would help their children engage with the Bible more in their everyday lives.

Tablets and smartphones are becoming the default computer in many homes, spanning a wide range of income levels. As more kids access mobile devices, a Bible app should be there for them. We’re thankful for the partnership of OneHope to help make this possible. We can’t wait for millions of families to experience God’s Word in this new way and see this next generation discover that now the Bible is an app.

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