In short, without Activating Leaders, nothing really gets done. Activators are masters at reverse engineering. They help make the practical plan to get from point A, the vision, to Z, the successful end-goal. Unlike the Catalytic Leader, Activating Leaders tend to be far from the spotlight. Activating Leaders are like the builders, the hands that […]
How do you know you’re primarily a Catalytic Leader, as part of the Leadership Trifecta? Catalysts excel at being inspirational, leading others to buy into the mission and vision. My dad fully encompasses the traits of a Catalytic Leader. If you’ve ever heard him tell the story of how OneHope began, you understand. I’ve heard […]
What is the highest and best use of your time at work? It’s a question the OneHope team has been exploring lately. Perhaps you’ve taken personality or skills assessments before, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Strengths Finder, to better learn how you operate in your giftings and relate to those around you. While these […]
Polycentric Leadership. You may have never heard the term before, but it may just describe how you strive to live out your professional career by serving in multiple, diverse centers at the same time. For me, that looks like being the president of OneHope, while also dedicating time to other pursuits like co-authoring a book […]
The digital space provides opportunities for ministry like never before in history. Instant access from around the world dynamically changes the fundamentals of engaging with Scripture content. At OneHope, we’re continuously seeking new ways to engage people with God’s Word online. Imagine living in a nation where the average person doesn’t personally know a Christian […]
Guiding Children, a OneHope research study produced in partnership with Barna, opened our eyes to the relationship that today’s children have with the Bible, the Church, technology, and more. One of the most critical findings was that the number one predictor of spiritual health in a child is that they read the Bible regularly – […]