Family is “Irreplaceable”–national encore May 15 for Family Day! Jim Daly May 13, 2014

Family is “Irreplaceable”–national encore May 15 for Family Day!

Movie Theater

Last night’s premiere of Focus’ first movie, “Irreplaceable,” was a success in every way possible thanks to God’s grace and your support.

In fact, due to the overwhelming response and the fact that many were turned away last night, we have decided to schedule a national encore performance for Thursday, May 15. You can check local availability for these new showings and purchase tickets

 We’re humbled by the way supporters of the family showed up for our film on Tuesday. Preliminary reports show nearly 100,000 people attended last night’s debut.


That number amounts to completely full theaters across the country. For example, theaters in Atlanta, Miami, Dallas and Seattle were sold-out. Bristol, Virginia; St. Louis, Missouri; Knoxville, Tennessee; and areas in Wisconsin and Kentucky also had theaters at capacity. Even various cinemas in California – including some in Santa Monica, Long Beach, Fresno and Bakersfield – were sold-out, to name just a few.

Of these theaters, we also know that several showings had expanded into larger auditoriums.

I was moved as I witnessed the sense of excitement inside the lobby of one of Colorado Springs’ three sold-out events. Every seat full – not to enjoy an action film with the hottest Hollywood actor, but to watch a documentary that upheld God’s design for society, family and marriage.

Beyond the numbers

We rejoice in these sold-out theaters not because it represents a marketing or PR success for us – but because every seat sold was filled by a real person who God loves. It’s an honor for us to help them better understand His incredible design for the family.

I know the heartfelt reactions we’re hearing from people all over the country are representative of how the Holy Spirit moved because of the feedback we received on social media via the #Irreplaceable hashtag.

One young woman described “Irreplaceable” as “deep, moving and life-changing.” Another said it was “soul-stirring.”

A Florida man tweeted that he was “undone” after seeing “Irreplaceable,” adding, “we must have this conversation.”

One person reported seeing “several groups standing, hand in hand, praying for our families.” Another tweeted she was “more convinced than ever that the local church IS the hope of the world.”

What now?

First, if you haven’t seen it, you have another chance on May 15. Even if you have seen it, I’d encourage you to bring a friend!

Our goal wasn’t to create a movie that made people feel good about family… and then go home and not do anything with what they had learned. On the contrary, we see “Irreplaceable” as the first step of an exciting journey God can use to help families come face-to-face with Him.

The Family Project,” a small-group DVD experience, will continue on the themes introduced by “Irreplaceable.” Topics included in the 12 30-minute sessions include:

  • Loneliness, and How Family Completes God’s Image
  • The Fall and Redemption
  • Marriage and Sexuality
  • Mothers, Fathers and Children as Image-Bearers
  • Satan, World and Self: What is the Greatest Enemy of the Family?
  • My Imperfect Family: Perfection Myth v. Redemptive Grace

These sessions are designed to help you answer an important question: What will your family do for God in this world?

As you can see, “The Family Project” can help infuse your family life with a sense of divine purpose and clarity. And as families grow stronger, we as a society can reclaim the blessings that flow from that strength.  We’ll see how crime, poverty and a host of other societal ills are dramatically reduced as healthy families rise up.

Please prayerfully consider joining us on this trip through “The Family Project.” You can read more information and order the DVD series by

Watch Tim Sisarich, the host of both “Irreplaceable” and “The Family Project,” talk a little bit about the small-group approach behind our DVD series.


Permission via Jim Daly to repost from original site: Focus on the Family, Irreplaceable

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