This Dangerous Book Steve Green November 6, 2017

This Dangerous Book


What do you think of when you consider that word? The concept of trust can provoke a wide variety of reactions. Anyone reading this has undoubtedly had their fair share of experiences with trust. You have given and received it, you have gained and probably even lost it. I want to talk about the only unshakable trust I’ve managed to find.

The Bible: It can be alternately fascinating and polarizing, confusing and beautiful. It is a wonderful and dangerous book. Perhaps the most interesting aspect about the Bible is that whether you trust that it is the God-given Word of life or you have zero trust in it at all, it was still written with you in mind.

I believe the Bible deserves our attention and our study. I believe that if He said it, He will surely do it, and the only way to know what He’s saying to us is through reading His Word. That is why I wrote This Dangerous Book. This book reflects not only the journey traveled by my family and me, but also the broader journey made by so many people. Our story is your story, and we have found that the Bible is much more than simply an ancient artifact—its voice possesses the power to change our world for the better.

My friend Rick Warren gave three challenges for your life after reading This Dangerous Book, and I couldn’t agree more:

1. Accept the authority of God’s Word over your life.
2. Assimilate the truths of God’s Word in your life.
3. Apply the principles of God’s Word to your life.

My sincere hope is that this book will intrigue you enough to dive headfirst into the Bible for answers.

Together, we will uncover the mysteries and truths found in the unshakeable Word of God, gaining a new understanding of this powerful and, ultimately, dangerous, book.



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